Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good Film adaptations of Good Books

1.  The Ice Storm

2.  The Age of Innocence

3.  Wonder Boys (Really Crappy Trailer)

4.  The End of the Affair

5.  Never Let Me Go

6.  Little Children

7.  Zodiac

8.  Howards End

9.  Watership Down

10.  Rosemary's Baby

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 10 Films of 2011

Here's my list!

1.  Tree of Life
2.  Take Shelter

3.  Project Nim

4.  Shame

5.  We Need to Talk About Kevin

6.  Tyrannosaur

7.  Drive

8.  Cave of Forgotten Dreams

9.  Jane Eyre

10.  Melancholia